Penang ExperiencePass


In the bid to enhance the Experience Penang Year 2020 campaign, the Penang Global Tourism and PlayPenang have come up with the Penang ExperincePass – a travel pass that gives visitors access to many attractions in Penang. The pass will be sent via email, just present the pass at any of the participating attractions and you're good to go.


  • Led the visual design and frontend development efforts for the Penang First Travel Pass project, utilizing Laravel framework and harnessing the power of Vue.js for enhanced user experience and seamless interactions.

  • Successfully achieved a significant 30% increase in user engagement, attaining glowing user feedback and driving the overall success of the project. Created a mobile-friendly Laravel mail template for emails and e-tickets, adhering to brand guidelines and dynamically adapting based on the visitor's device.

  • Ensured a mobile-first approach, considering that a majority of users (90%) accessed the application through mobile devices.

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